To all our Guardians,
As you know, we are constantly reviewing our products and services to make sure that what we provide is everything you should expect from a leading property guardian organisation. This is part of a wider campaign we are leading the charge on to raise the standards within our industry, which is what we have always looked to do and is the reason why we created our ‘Respect for Guardians’ Charter last year. A statement of intent, the Charter is our promise to you. Open and honest at all times, we are committed to a win/win relationship that is based on mutual trust and respect from all parties.
With this at the heart of everything we do, we have taken the decision to partner with an external survey company to pull together our most comprehensive questionnaire to date that will review every part of the service we provide, to be distributed to all of you in mid-September. This is where we need your help, as we would like everyone to fill it in as comprehensively as possible. We are interested in hearing about what you think works well, what doesn’t work well, where we can and should make improvements, what our service levels are like and what you would like to see from us in the future.
Based on your responses, we will then analyse the results from which a strategy will be developed including the core actions we need to take over the next 12 months. On completion, a summary will be provided in our end of year newsletter for you to see our plans.
On a final note from me, I wish you all a cracking summer and I look forward to hearing from you in September.
With best regards,
Simon Finneran
Managing Director