Ad Hoc Property Management is one of Europe’s leading property protection specialists. Successfully protecting properties throughout Europe for 30 years.
We are fully committed to bringing empty buildings back to use and communities back to life with our protection through occupation Property Guardian model.
Providing high quality surveillance through our range of mobile and fixed CCTV systems. Ensuring our multi-sensor intruder alarms are guarding the inside of your property.
We think differently. We act differently. We offer better. We deliver more.
Ad Hoc was founded in The Netherlands in 1990. Formed to offer alternatives to traditional security guards, it revolutionised the way owners thought about property security. Then we came to the UK in 2006 and we did just about the same here! Property and land owners who had long used familiar mechanisms in securing their assets were at last offered alternatives. We started different, so we continue to be different.
We then moved into digital security such as CCTV and alarms because we wanted to be able to offer our clients whatever they needed. But we still wanted to be different. So, we devised new products that fitted into our model of providing easy-in-easy-out temporary security measures.
Hence came the marvellous CCTV Tower. And the Smart Alarm. More recently, the self-powered Hybrid Tower. Unique innovations, visually impressive, technically ingenious.
Everything you need to know about us is here. What we do. How we do it. Who we do it for.
Or, you can just call us on 0333 015 6660, or email us at and we will tell you anything you need to know.
Be different. We are.