Property Guardians have revolutionised the way we think about property security. When costs are being cut and public services are merging, and when business are purchasing property awaiting planning consent, or maybe the sale process is just really slow, it all leads to more properties becoming vacant and sitting empty for longer periods of time.
Flexible and practical security measures are essential in any case, but if they can be responsible, vetted individuals keeping their eyes on their residential or commercial property, plus saving money on traditional security measures, you can begin to understand why this scheme has really taken off in the UK.
Ad Hoc has helped change the way all sorts of organisations and businesses think about what to do with their vacant buildings. Whether you are a local authority dealing with school closures, a housing association embarking on large regeneration <br> projects or a private care home owner who has either just bought or is wanting to sell one of their assets, the deployment of Property Guardians has provided peace of mind and affordability to numerous owners.
If your property is about to close, or already empty, this service can work for you.