In recent years, the number of crimes associated with empty buildings has surged steeply. Ad Hoc has a different answer to finding the most efficient solution for unattended buildings. The live in guardian model delivers an inventive, smart and cost-efficient tenancy-landlord agreement that provides landowners with the peace of mind that their assets are safe in the hands of carefully vetted house guardians. This alternate option can be up to 80% cheaper than traditional methods of security, such as home insurance, tenants or external companies that oversee properties.
Landlords have been facing problems such as vandalism, squatting, fraudulent tenants and other anti-social behaviours in their property. These problems have caused landowners to lose thousands of pounds in repairing or safeguarding their possessions. With Ad Hoc, owners can choose to safeguard their property with trusted live in guardians, therefore taking away issues previously faced.
With high demand and little supply, tenants often have to choose between affordable prices and quality housing while facing rigorous competition in the market. Ad Hoc’s solution provides the chance for live in guardians to be able to enjoy living in innovative and creative homes such as care homes, fire stations and schools, at a fraction of the rent. These properties are carefully designed and reimagined by Ad Hoc specialists into all types and sizes to make them suitable for living. This ideal approach benefits both the tenants and the local community.
Ad Hoc strives to prove an effective but affordable solution to managing empty properties based on a tenancy-landlord agreement. Professional and responsible live in guardians make sure that problems are swiftly reported and resolved. Landlords profit from having peace of mind that their possessions are in the hands of a vetted, responsible, vigilant and professional individual.
Guardians may potentially bring an evolution to the UK housing industry. Using its website, Ad Hoc can help match the perfect live in guardian to the perfect property.