Sometimes, problems arise with properties and you need to contact us to get those problems resolved.

  1. Go to, identify your region and call your regional office direct.
  2. If you need to reach us out of hours, call our emergency number on 0845 056 3999 and speak to a member of the team, explain the problem and they will advise you on next actions.
  3. Email us on explaining your query and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.
  4. If you use Facebook a lot, why not drop us a message on our page- Ad Hoc Property Management- and we will put you in touch with someone who can help.
  5. Tweet us @AdHocGuardians, or send us a direct message, and we will pass this on the team.

If your still struggling to get your problem resolved, email our Managing Director on Save Save Save

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