A look forward from Simon
As we enter into the last quarter of 2015, there is much to celebrate. After all, through increased column inches and knockout initiatives such as our Creative Expo in May, the Guardianship model pioneered by Ad Hoc is fast becoming a well-known concept in the UK. It is an innovative answer to the rental price hikes being experienced across the country amongst other things, and provides a win/win for both those seeking accommodation and property owners.
But, what’s next to look forward to? First up is the launch of our Creative Roadshow. A follow-up to our Creative Expo, we are taking this on the road next year with four regional events and the grand finale at the venue where it all began, the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral. The themes for each regional event are being worked out, but let’s say for now we most definitely want your involvement, so watch this space or give us a call to find out more!
Have your say! Look out for regional Guardian surveys launching next year which will be designed to find out what you think about the service you receive, what extra products and services should be provided and what you are pleased about or believe needs improving. Having completed a successful survey in Bristol in July, we value your feedback.
This leads me to my next point: as this is our first newsletter, we would like your feedback on it both from a content and usefulness perspective. Additionally, if you have anything you would like to share with us for the next newsletter, do let us know on 020 7354 5458 or via Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.
And finally, I hope you all have a cracking end to the year.
Best wishes,
Simon Finneran